Category: FLYING
Adventure lifestyle articles about flying.

Douglas Cairns reaches the North Pole
diabetic pilot raising awareness of diabetes [...]

Join the flying adventure to AviationEXPO in Bitburg
RB12 will be one of the most ambitious land, sea and air races ever held [...]
Completing an intermediate paramotoring course
Dan joins Skyschool on one of their intermediate paramotor courses [...]

Aged just 27, Yuri Gagarin embarked on the biggest adventure possible [...]

Learn how to fly at the Tiger Club
Party held to celebrate 21 years of Sport Aviation at Headcorn Aerodrome [...]

Cessna announces the new TTX Corvalis… in Lime Green
TTX has a monstrous six-cylinder engine [...]

Diabetes Polar Flight: Last Degree Landing At The North Pole
Plans to set a new speed record to the North Pole in a Beech Baron [...]

Flying over Libya in a light aircraft
Epic photos from a light aircraft safari over the desert [...]

Buy a spacesuit in the Bonhams Space History Sale well as lots more space-related memorabilia [...]

“The private race to the Moon is on.”
X Prize competition to send a robot to the moon opens up [...]

Adventure Flying Tip: Clearing the runway
Animals often pose the biggest hazard, especially on remote airstrips [...]

Learning to fly a floatplane in Alaska
First lessons in a PA-18 Super Cub with Vern Kingsford of Alaska Float Ratings

An astronaut’s photo of Mount Everest
Taken by the Expedition 26 Crew onboard the International Space Station [...]

The Great Lakes Biplane
Remember the floatplane that Indiana Jones swings across the water to? [...]

Twang, swoosh, tutt
What happens when you put a wide-angle camera on an arrow? [...]